History of the Consolidated Fire Protection District
In 1949, the Consolidated Fire Protection District was established by the Board of Supervisors through the consolidation of numerous fire districts which existed since the 1920s. From 1967 to 1986 there existed four fire protection districts within Los Angeles County, all of which were governed by the Board of Supervisors: the Consolidated Fire Protection District (CFPD), Universal Fire Protection District, Dominguez Fire Protection District, and Wrightwood Fire Protection District. In addition, there was the Forester and Fire Warden (F&FW) which is a chartered office of Los Angeles County and was funded by the General Fund. While the four districts and the F&FW legally existed as five distinct, separate entities, they operated as a single, integrated entity. The main purpose for maintaining the four districts’ separate legal status was for tax purposes. The property tax rate for each district was considerably different.
With the property tax limitations and standardization of tax rates established by Proposition 13 in 1978, there was no longer a need to maintain the separate districts. Therefore, in 1986 the Universal, Wrightwood, and Dominguez districts were dissolved and annexed to the CFPD.
From 1986 to 1992 the F&FW and the CFPD were the two remaining legal entities that made up what is commonly known as the Los Angeles County Fire Department. In 1992, the CFPD annexed all the remaining unincorporated area in the County and unified the two departments into the CFPD with a corresponding property tax transfer to fulfill the chartered responsibilities of the F&FW.
The Los Angeles County Fire Department has a very rich and unique history, which is full of innovation, and daring accomplishments. Our Department’s ability to develop new techniques and tactics to fight fires of all kinds has benefited not only the residents we serve, but the fire service in general, both nationally and internationally.