Junior Lifeguard Program
Open to children (ages 9 through 17), the mission of the Los Angeles County Junior Lifeguard Program is to educate youth in our community in ocean and beach safety, physical conditioning, basic first-aid, and environmental awareness, while developing the next generation of future lifeguards and leaders.
Session 1: Monday, June 16, – Friday, July 11, 2025
Session 2: Monday, July 14, – Friday, August 8, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
(click the question to expand the answer)
Summer 2025 Dates are:
- Session 1: Monday, June 16, – Friday, July 11, 2025
- Session 2: Monday, July 14, – Friday, August 8, 2025
Participants can choose between two four-week sessions (S1 or S2) with a morning (AM) or afternoon (PM) class time.
- Morning (AM) class is from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
- Afternoon (PM) class is from 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Some locations will vary and may not offer classes in the afternoon or Session 2.
- Avalon, Catalina
- Cabrillo Beach
- Torrance Beach
- Redondo Beach at Avenue A
- Tim Kelly (TK) at 2nd Street, Hermosa Beach
- Hermosa 14th at Hermosa Pier
- Manhattan at Marine Street
- El Segundo at the Jetty
- Venice at Venice Blvd. North
- Santa Monica at Tower 28
- Will Rogers at Temescal Canyon
- Zuma Beach
- A Returning Junior Lifeguard has successfully completed the 2024 program.
- New Junior Lifeguards who have not participated before
- Required to swim the 100 yards freestyle in under the the required time for their age group at one of our LACoFD JG designated swim tests
- Prospective JG Guide: 2025 Prospective JG Registration Process
- All youth in LA County ages 9-17 are eligible to apply.
- New JG information is posted on our website each January/February.
- Required to swim the 100 yards freestyle in under the required time for their age group at one of our LACoFD JG designated swim tests
New Junior Lifeguards must attend a LACoFD Junior Lifeguard Tryout and pass a 100-yard swim test under*:
- 1:50.00 for ages 9-11 as of 7/1/25 – “C” Age Group
- 1:40.00 for ages 12-13 as of 7/1/25 – “B” Age Group
- 1:30.00 for ages 14-17 as of 7/1/25 – “A” Age Group
*Swim times are determined by the age group a child will be participating in during the program, NOT the current age of the applicant. For example, if an applicant is 11 years old on the date of the tryout, but will turn 12 on or before July 1st, they are considered a “B”, not a “C”, and must pass the required “B” swim time.
NOTE: This information is provided to Junior Lifeguards who successfully completed the 2024 Summer Program. Parents can expect Returning JG registration to be between February and March of any given year.
All eligible returning Junior Lifeguards (JGs) will have the opportunity to reserve their EXACT SAME ENROLLMENT as selected from last year, 2024, through the online Returning Junior Lifeguard Registration. Information will be emailed to the JG’s primary email account in early spring 2025.
Returning Junior Lifeguard is NOT first come, first serve. Parents will have the entire window to use this system to accept, modify, or decline a student’s enrollment.
Returning JGs who do NOT want to return to their previous enrollment may decline their Priority Registration enrollment.
Any Returning JG who declines their priority enrollment will have the option to modify an aspect of enrollment (session/location/class time) using Modified Registration. If you decline your priority enrollment by opting for modified registration, you are forfeiting your Priority Enrollment spot.
Modified Registration will take place once JGs who chose Priority Registration are enrolled. This will take place in order of a Returning JG’s Randomly Generated Selection Number (RGS#). This number is assigned in our system to all returning JGs and used only for those opting to modify their enrollment.
Beach availability cannot be guaranteed once modified registration has been chosen and the registration period ends.
The 2025 Registration dates for Returning Junior Lifeguards are February 3,-March 10. Information will be emailed to the primary email account.
The 2025 swim test dates are scheduled!
- Swim Test #1: Saturday, March 29th, 2025 @ Wiseburn Aquatic Center (El Segundo)
- Swim Test #2: Saturday, April 5th, 2025 @ George Mannon Aquatic Center
- Swim Test #3: Sunday, April 13th, 2025 @ Greater Whittier Aquatic Center
- Swim Test #4: Sunday, April 27th, 2025 @ Belvedere Aquatic Center
Sign-ups for swim tests are required. Please visit the Registration website to create an account, acknowledge release forms, sign up for swim tests. The remainder of the registration process will happen following the successful completion of a swim test.
It is NOT permitted to create multiple accounts for one child or to attend multiple swim tests. If you have any questions about signing up, please contact the JG Office at (310)939-7214.
2025 Prospective JG Swim Test Policy:
- You may register online for ONE swim test tryout.
- If you need to change your swim test date, location, or time you may change it up to three days before your selected swim test date
- You will not be permitted to test if you show up to a different date/location/time.
- If your child is ill and you are unable to reschedule the swim test date due to proximity to the swim test date, an alternate swim test may be scheduled for you if there is later availability and a doctor’s note is provided. If no doctor’s note is provided, your child will not be permitted to test at another swim test tryout.
- You are required to bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport for age verification and age group placement requirements. If you do not bring this document, your child will not be permitted to test.
- An email will be sent 1-3 days prior to your selected swim test tryout confirming your appointment, as well as what to bring with you.
Can your Prospective JG participate in more than one swim test?
- Additional swim test tryouts are not guaranteed.
- If your child does not pass their initial swim test but is within 10 seconds of a passing time, you may receive one additional attempt that same day.
- Do not leave the facility without asking for a secondary test and speaking with an instructor about the next steps.
- If after your second attempt your child is still within 10 seconds of a passing time and would like to try again, you must check in with an Administrative Coordinator, the Programs Administrator, or Programs Captain BEFORE LEAVING in order to attempt to schedule an additional tryout.
- Please ask any instructor for assistance locating these individuals
- Additional swim test tryouts are not guaranteed and are based on availability.
All applicants will be assigned a randomly generated selection number (RGS#) once all swim tests have been completed and enrollment will occur in this order. WHAT SWIM TEST YOU ATTEND WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR ENROLLMENT ORDER.
Any Junior Lifeguard who successfully completed the 2024 Junior Lifeguard Program will be accepted into the 2025 program.
If your child’s last participated was in Junior Lifeguards in 2022 or prior, you will need to apply online for the program and pass the swim test.
For the pool swim tryout: a lightweight, racing-style swimsuit (a.k.a. “Speedos” or jammers because baggy suits make for slow times), a cap (to keep the hair out of their eyes), goggles (test day is not the day to try a new pair), and a towel.
For a day at Junior Lifeguards: a uniform (provided), towel, sunscreen, hat, water, and a healthy snack.
- Meet instructor at drop-off location
- Take roll
- Warm-up
- Water event “buoy swim”
- Take places/de-brief event
- Snack/re-hydrate/re-apply sunscreen
- Ocean/lifeguard-related discussion
- Skills training
- Game (time permitting)
- Pack up/upcoming event reminder
- Release at pick-up location
*Junior Lifeguards are expected to complete a buoy swim every day. This requires them to swim head-down freestyle continuously in and out of the surf with lifeguard supervision.
Our absence policy states that participants are able to miss up to five (5) days of the program without needing to re-test at one of our pool swim tests the following year.
If a participant misses ten (10) or more days, they will automatically be required to re-test the following year.
If a participant misses between six (6) and nine (9) days of the program, it is up to the Junior Lifeguard instructor’s discretion as to whether the participant successfully completed the program requirements.
Due to the impacted nature of the Junior Lifeguard Program and the class size limits for safety purposes, make-ups for absences at a different beach, time, or session are NOT permitted.
After the first day of the program, individual beach instructors handle attendance. All absences must be excused with a note to your child’s instructor.
If the absence is known in advance, please send a parent/guardian note with your child prior to the absence. Otherwise, provide the note upon your child’s return to the program. Please do NOT e-mail absence notes to the office.
If a child must be removed from the program due to COVID-19 related absences, a waiver for the following year will be granted upon email request at the time of the JG’s absence(s). This includes a known or suspected exposure, or a positive COVID-19 test result.
If your child needs to arrive late to the program, please send a note with them to excuse the late arrival. Keep in mind that some beach locations set up their group a distance away from the drop-off location. It may be a good idea to park and walk with your child to ensure they arrive safely to their instructor.
If your child needs to leave early, please send a note with them that includes specific instructions for their pick-up (i.e., exact pick-up time and location). It is a good idea to park and walk down to your child’s group to ensure they leave safely.
Please note that arriving late or leaving early does not count as an absence.
If space permits Junior Lifeguards will be allowed to sign up for an additional session, if interested, email the JG Office mid-May.
Estimated operating cost for the LA County Junior Lifeguard Program is $635 per child. The fee schedule for the LACoFD Junior Lifeguard Program is currently under review by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. Included in the fee is a uniform t-shirt and swimsuit, either a navy-blue one-piece or a pair of navy blue – board shorts.
Financial aid applications will be available after registration. Please note that a 2024 Tax Return is REQUIRED for the application process.
2025 Financial Aid Scholarships will be available for those who apply and qualify, and will be available once the payment window is open.
The Los Angeles County Fire Department is committed to offering quality programs to the youth throughout Los Angeles County. The purpose of the financial aid program is to encourage the participation of young people with limited access or opportunity by assisting qualified applicants with program tuition fees.
Along with your financial aid application, you must include a copy of the following:
- 2024 Federal Tax Return (Form 1040 only)
Your application will not be processed without the required document. All information will remain strictly confidential. There is no guarantee of approval or funding amount for individual or family applications. Financial aid is based on availability of funds and applies for one summer only.
You may not apply for financial aid after you have registered and paid the full tuition fee; there are no retroactive refunds.
PLEASE DO NOT PROVIDE PAYMENT as your payment amount will be determined after review.
The 2025 Transportation Application is TBA following confirmed enrollment.
If a Junior Lifeguard is unable to participate in the program (e.g., medical reason, personal conflict, inability to complete swims, etc.), a partial refund may be available.
Our 2025 refund policy is as follows:
All refund requests must be submitted via email to FIRE-JUNIORLIFEGUARDS@FIRE.LACOUNTY.GOV
Refund deadlines are as follows:
- Full Refund (minus a $60 processing fee)
- – The Friday before the start of the first session at 11:59PM.
- Partial Refund (20% of the program minus a $60 processing fee)
- – The first Friday of the first session at 11:59PM.
- Full Refund (minus a $60 processing fee)
- – The Friday before the start of the second session at 11:59PM.
- Partial Refund (20% of the program minus a $60 processing fee)
- – The first Friday of the second session at 11:59PM.
The Tax ID Number of the Junior Lifeguard Program is 95-6000927. If you need a Tax ID recipient, please e-mail the office after your child has completed the summer program.
Cadets are Junior Lifeguards that are being prepared to become Lifeguards. They operate under the supervision of a Junior Lifeguard instructor. Cadets will be challenged to learn basic lifeguard skills, ocean conditions, rescue techniques, and CPR. Cadets are also expected to lead younger Junior Lifeguards in practical and physical skills.
Cadet applicant must be 16 or 17 years old (as of July 1, 2025) and must have completed at least two years in the Junior Lifeguard program, one year of which as an “A”.
The 2025 Cadet Program Application is TBA. Please complete returning registration to receive more information when the application becomes available.
The Los Angeles County Junior Lifeguard Surf Racing Team (SRT) is designed to meet the ever-growing demand for more competition experience throughout the summer season.
Full-time coaches create event-specific training with the goal of improving surf racing skills for each member of the SRT.
Unique experiences outside of life-saving events may include outrigger canoe and distance paddleboards.
Eligible applicants are RETURNING Junior Lifeguards who are age 15-17 (as of July 1, 2025) and who have successfully completed one summer as an “A”.
The 2025 SRT application is open through June 16 . Please check back in April for potential dates and application process.