In Los Angeles County, wildfires will always be a natural part of the beautiful state we have chosen to call home. Wildfires will continue to be fueled by a build-up of dry vegetation and driven by hot, dry “Santa Ana” winds, making them extremely dangerous and challenging for firefighters to control. Please use the Ready! Set! Go! brochure to help you prepare your home so you can leave early; confident that you have done everything reasonably possible to protect your home from a destructive wildfire.
An Important Message from the
Los Angeles County Fire Department
Los Angeles County is one of the most beautiful places to live, but for those living in “wildland urban interface areas,” it does not come without risks. Climate change has made fire season year-round and increased our ever-growing number of wildfires. Firefighters and residents alike are now constantly on heightened alert for the threat of wildfires.
The Los Angeles County Fire Department, along with our partnering agencies, stand ready to quickly respond to contain wildfires, utilizing our firefighting resources from the air and ground to help protect you and your property from wildfire.
But, we can’t do this without your cooperation. Preparation and prevention go hand-in-hand. This Ready! Set! Go! brochure was designed to provide you with critical information on creating defensible space around your home, retrofitting your home with fire-resistant materials, and preparing you to safely evacuate well ahead of a wildfire. Please protect yourself, your family, and your property from a devastating wildfire by taking the time to learn about Ready! Set! Go!
To download a copy of the Ready! Set! Go! brochure, click on the brochure image below. For additional hard copies, contact our Public Information Office at (323)881-2411.