Public Records Request
Welcome to the Los Angeles County Fire Department’s (LACoFD’s) Health Hazardous Materials Division (HHMD)/Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) public records request webpage.
The California Public Records Act was passed by the California State Legislature and signed by the governor in 1968. It is found in the California Government Code, Section 6250 et. seq., and states “…the Legislature, mindful of the right of individuals to privacy, finds and declares that access to information concerning the conduct of the people’s business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state.” It specifies that records subject to inspection and coping include any writings, meaning any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photographing, and every other means of recording upon any form of communication or representation, including information available in an electronic format (Government Code §§ 6252(f) and 6253.9.). Records of the HHMD, which are not exempt from disclosure, will be made available for inspection and copying in accordance with the California Public Records Act upon receipt of a request that reasonably describes an identifiable record or records.
Requests must be submitted using the online request. The HHMD will not accept any request submitted by fax, mail, or phone.
HHMD will respond to all requests within ten (10) business days. In unusual circumstances, the ten (10) days may be extended by written notice from the HHMD, or from their designee, but for no more than an additional fourteen (14) days, as provided by law. Upon receipt, records shall be made promptly available to the requestor for review and/or copying. Within the timeframe for responding to a public records request, it is the responsibility of the HHMD to contact the Office of the County Counsel if any question exists as to whether any record, or portion of any record is exempt from disclosure. The County Counsel shall be responsible for providing advice to the HHMD and for assisting the HHMD in drafting a written response if an exemption is claimed.A fee for copies of public records may be charged to cover the direct costs of duplication as determined by the County’s Auditor-Controller Los Angeles County Code § 2.170.010(a).
The following inventory are in our current database and are updated every quarter.
Submit a Records Request
To request a file search of records, go to the online request link found below.
Requests must be submitted using the online request. HHMD will not accept any request submitted by fax, mail, or phone.
Be aware that each submitted request allows a search of addresses from only one zip code. A separate request must be completed for each different zip code. We will not accept an individual request with different zip codes listed. If no files are found, we will notify you via email that there are no records available. If there is a file, you will be notified of the appropriate steps to retrieve or review the files via email.
Attention: If you are interested in requesting other records that do not pertain to Hazardous Chemicals, such as incident reports or EMS records, please contact the Records Subpoena Office of the Risk Management Division at (323) 267-7217 or the link found below.