California Accidental Release Prevention Program
CalARP Program
The objective of the California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) program is to prevent accidental releases of those substances determined to potentially pose the greatest risk of immediate harm to the public and the environment. Stationary sources (facilities) that handle regulated substances in industrial processes above threshold quantity levels are subject to the CalARP program requirements. The CalARP program encompasses both the federal “Risk Management Program”, established in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 68, and the State of California program, in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code (HSC), Chapter 6.95, Article 2 and California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4.5.
You are required to review and update your Risk Management Plan (RMP) at least once every 5 years from date of its initial submission (19 CCR §2745.10). This Department requires you to update the information specified in 19 CCR §§2745.3-2745.9. Stationary sources (facilities) with Program 2, 3, and 4 covered processes must additionally update and certify the seismic assessment, which shall include a “walk down” review and verification of processes and equipment. All applicable engineering work associated with seismic evaluations for RMPs should be performed or supervised by a California Registered
Professional in accordance with the Business and Professions Code, Chapter 7, §§6700-6799 and the CCR, Title 16, Division 5, §§400-476. This Department strongly recommends that all structural and seismic evaluations be conducted by California Licensed Civil or Mechanical Engineers who are competent in such evaluations or by a Structural Engineer by title. On March 12, 2014, during the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) Region I meeting, the members approved the updated “Guidance for CalARP Seismic Assessments.”
PUBLIC NOTICE: Pursuant to HSC §25535.2 and 19 CCR §2745.2(c), notice is hereby given that the Risk Management Plans (RMP) are complete for the stationary sources on the following lists: