On Sunday, February 11, 2024, the County of Los Angeles Fire Department (LACoFD) officially held its eighth annual Women’s Fire Prep Academy (WFPA) opening day at the Cecil R. Gehr Combat Training Center in Los Angeles.
About 100 passionate individuals arrived ready to compete for a coveted spot in the WFPA in hopes of learning skills that can help them become well-equipped, resourceful firefighters.
Day one of the WFPA included a physical assessment where candidates performed a beep test (shuttle run), planks, push- and pull-ups, and series of firefighter drills. Eighty-four dedicated participants proved themselves and possessed the skills needed to qualify for this year’s WFPA.
Following this one-day assessment, participants will continue, for the next five Sundays, to learn how to properly work out for physical fitness and participate in hands-on skills with tools and equipment, including how to work with extension ladders, rotary saws, and pulling and laying down hose.
“The WFPA is an important program where we encourage women to explorer the fire service by allowing them to see the challenges of the career and meet other firefighters that can help them be successful… When I was younger, this was not a typical career for women. Someone took the time to help me meet the requirements and apply to be a firefighter,” said Fire Fighter Specialist Natalie Nardone. We show all individuals it is 100% possible to succeed in this job by learning proper technique paired with hard work and dedication.
This innovative program is led by Battalion Chief Sara Rathbun and a dynamic team of firefighters and lifeguards.